India first Hempcrete House

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India is not far behind the world , when it comes to adopt new and innovative ways of constructing houses, which are ecofriendly as well as earthquake resistant. First Hempcrete house in India is made by Namrata Kandwal and Mr Gaurav Dixit. This first of its kind startup by Gohemp Agroventures Pvt Limited is a women led startup and its aims to preserve the biodiversity of Himalayan region by promoting sustainable, affordable and healthy homes.

By promoting the use of Hempcrete houses in the Himalayan region, Gohemp Agroventures Pvt Limited ( you can contact them at ) aims to preserve the biodiversity of the area, provide affordable and healthy homes, and create sustainable livelihoods for local communities.

Hempcrete houses offer several advantages over traditional brick and mortar houses, especially in earthquake-prone areas like the Himalayas. Here are some of the benefits of Hempcrete houses:

  1. Eco-friendly: Hempcrete is made from a mixture of hemp fibers, lime, and water. Hemp is a renewable resource that grows quickly and requires minimal water and pesticides. Additionally, the production of Hempcrete results in lower carbon emissions compared to traditional building materials.
  2. Sustainable: Hempcrete is a sustainable construction material as it reduces the reliance on non-renewable resources like concrete and bricks. It promotes the use of natural and biodegradable materials, contributing to a more sustainable construction industry.
  3. Energy-efficient: Hempcrete offers excellent insulation properties, providing superior thermal performance compared to traditional materials. It helps maintain a comfortable indoor temperature and reduces the need for excessive heating or cooling, leading to energy savings.
  4. Breathable and healthy living environment: Hempcrete has breathable properties, allowing moisture to pass through the walls while still maintaining thermal insulation. This feature prevents the buildup of condensation and mold, promoting a healthier living environment.
  5. Lightweight and earthquake-resistant: Hempcrete is significantly lighter than traditional materials, reducing the overall weight of the structure. This characteristic makes it suitable for earthquake-prone areas as it can withstand seismic activity and offers better structural stability.
  6. Fire-resistant: Hempcrete is naturally fire-resistant due to the high lime content, making it a safer choice for construction.
  7. Carbon sequestration: Hempcrete has the ability to absorb and store carbon dioxide during its lifetime, helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
  8. Local economic development: The production and construction of Hempcrete houses can generate employment opportunities, particularly for local farmers who can grow hemp as a cash crop. This can contribute to the economic development of rural areas.It’s important to note that while hempcrete offers numerous advantages, there are also some considerations and limitations to be aware of, such as the need for proper detailing, longer construction times, and sourcing quality materials. Consulting with experts and professionals experienced in hempcrete construction is recommended to ensure successful implementation.

1 thought on “India first Hempcrete House”

  1. Very refreshingly encouraging. Thank you for the article and best wishes to such eco-friendly & sustainable initiatives.

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